Histiografi developments in south Asia can be divided into two periods namely traditional and modern. In the traditional historiography kesusateraan sources are still very strong. While in modern historiography is more directed to India this is because Indialah the most impressive in quantity or quality.
A. Traditional historiography
Traditional historiography of South Asia can be divided into two namely:
1. Before the entrance of Islam into India
Religion veda is the oldest religious scriptures berkitab, introduced in animist communities are still illiterate in South Asia. This religion-produced chronicle chronicle in the form of Purana. Purana tradition was later expanded with chronicle chronicle-dynasty, but still has the characteristics:
a. General unknown.
b. Overstated.
c. Less data is authentic.
d. Neglect of topography and chronology.
Epic Mahabharata and Ramayana are many influential and widely used as a source in a tradition of historiography. Both these epic along with Pancatrata and Jataka stories of Buddhism became a source of humorous stories and traditions of Buddhist geneologis story to writing and chronic-chronic in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka in its development appear wamsa tradition (especially chronic Dipavamsa known,
Mahamvasa, and Culavamsa) resulted in several initiatives chronicles the palace, there arose a tradition, the writing of history. These works formed chronicle and humorous story, written in the form of poem, and its use is limited among the palace.
2. After the entry of Islam into India.
A tradition of historiography that has developed both introduced, and for six more centuries to master a branch of Islamic historiography of South Asia. The main characteristics of Islamic writing:
a. Tied to the interests of power sortodoks.
b. Tend to serve the Lord and the Islamic community.
c. Aimed at the moral and religious education through the stories of the prophets, caliphs, caliphs, sultans and great men among the religious and historical heritage of the government of India, and can be regarded as an integral part of South Asian historiography.
B. Modern historiography
a. Western science in India began to develop when the Society was formed in Calcutta in 1784, founded by William James. Research activities of this institution on the eastern world. Born too similar institutions in Bombay, Madras, Mysore and Sri Lanka, as well as growth lemabaga ilmiahdi agencies of France and Germany, there are study-kajiandi seta Europe in the 19th century, meriupakan foundation for the development of modern historiography in south asia.
The most important contribution in the first place is in the field:
a. Filiologi and editing Sanskrit texts from Vedic and Buddhist religions.
b. Archaeological research on India, as the founder dasae to deal with material from ancient India who previously could not be learned.
c. Pre-Islamic areas. This period is very menarikkarena no chronology, no geneologi who can be trusted, and no provisions that could explain exactly amnusia.
20th-century historiography in South Asia is directly and strongly influenced by Western methodology. There are two ways:
a. A deeper appreciation of western scientific methods, especially after the most brilliant research arkheologis of Mohenjodaro and Harrapa.
b. Nasionalitis and anti-imperialistic approach, which in its most extreme result in the writing of history-writing is bad and revisionitas on the one hand, and on the other hand provide incentives for Marxist historiography and others in bentukhistoriografi radical.
India after independence, the writing of history continues to grow primarily through institutions such as:
- Archeological Survey (Department Arkheologi)
- History Records Commission (Commission for Historical Archive)
- Indian History Congress (Congress of History of India)
Ever held a conference on the History of Asia in 1961 and the International meeting of the International Conggres of Orientallis (the International Congress of experts on the East) held in New Delhi in 1965.
Historiography developments in Pakistan since 1947 is less prominent. Separation with India led to a new country is lack of research facilities. Historians Pakistan began to revive the traditions of Islamic historiography. The works produced by A. The most important Yusuf Ali, Shafa 'at Ahmad Khan and I.H. Qureshi, who was famous before the separation with India.
In Sri Lanka the development of historiography rather late. But the results can be seen in publications of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Sri Lanka Branch of the Royal Society Asia), and Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies (Journal of Sri Lanka for history and social studies) who had recently formed.
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