Islamic historiography is the writing of history by Muslims both groups and individuals from various schools and within a certain period. The aim is to show the development of the concept of history both in thought and in our thoughts and in our scientific approach does is accompanied by a description of the growth, development and decline of other forms of expression used in the presentation of historical materials. Most of the works of many written in Arabic, but many speakers of other languages such as Persian and Turkish.
A. Historical Origins
Islamic historiography is closely related to the development of Islamic religious knowledge, and position in the history of Islamic education has a decisive influence on the intellectual level of the writing of history. Islamic historiography is more easily learned and understood within the general framework of Islamic civilization. The development of Islamic civilization is a great reflection on the history. Cultures from several studies show that:
a. That Islam as a religion the world has shown a remarkable development in world history.
b. Furthermore, Islam as a religion has also emit a civilization.
c. In the development of Islamic civilization, the traditions of foreign cultures are absorbed, modified, then that is not appropriate deletions.
d. Islamic Civilization presents a complete system of thought and behavior that develops as a major impetus which include human relationships with God, nature and the man himself.
Things that encourage the rapid development of Islamic historiography are:
1. The concept of Islam as a religion that contains history. Prophet has provided a framework for a vast historical container to be filled out and interpreted by historians.
2. The existence of historical consciousness that is fostered by the Prophet Muhammad. Great sense of history becomes a spur to research and writing of history.
Tahab development of mechanisms that created Islam:
a. At first the information submitted in Oral.
b. Later this oral delivery methods (oral transmission) equipped with an unpublished written records, that kind of reporting records.
Most of the works of many former Muslims who lost, because no institution publishing and writing materials tahna long time, probably also due to change of power Ummayah (660-750), many are destroyed. Few examples of Islamic historians of this period:
1. Urwah ibn. Az-Zubyar (650-711), one Muslim scholar who has written a book of War by the Prophet.
2. Al-Zuhri (670-740), has written a paper on "Genealogy of the nation". Besides, he also writes the possibility for personal gain during the reign of the Caliph.
3. Ibn Musa. Uqnah (758/759), in the form of short fragments, which do not contain all of history.
4. Ibn Ishaq (704-767), wrote major historical works of the oldest and is still maintained until now, although an improvement kemudiian the Biography of the Prophet or sirah.
B. Form and Content of Work History
Pre-Islamic Arab tradition has emphasized the fact that konkrid element in history, regardless of their environment and where possible not changed by the process of human thinking. The basic form of Islamic work is: a simple statement, the events off, without weight, even though anaka range, penonlolan brain, disususn all at once without an explanation of the cause musabahnya. Historical truth, as where the truth of religion has been considered to be guaranteed by impartiality of a number of people who deliver a berantaisehingga information they called "a series of news giver" or isnads.
1. Khabar
Namely, the oldest form of historiography is directly related to the war story with a good and perfect description written in bebebrapa page only. Typical Khabar namely:
a. There is no causal relationship between two or more events.
b. Khabar already existed before Islam became a war story with a form of short stories presented in the form of a dialogue that alleviate the historian.
c. Khabar form is more diverse picture.
Examples of several historical works that use shape khabar:
a. Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Madani (d. 831). monographs have been found is al-Murdifat min Quraysy (Quraish a stout woman's husband)
b. Abu Mihnaf Lut ibn Yahya (d. 774)
c. Al-Haytham ibn Adi (d. 821) and Ibn Habib. his work is a collection of monographs in the form khabar or nasab.
2. Chronicle
Compilation of history based on the sequence ruler and the years events. This chronicle can be added with new things in supplement form, commonly called dyal or tail.
Examples of work history (chronic), the oldest:
a. Work Khalifah ibn. Khayyat, in Arabic, was written until 847 years approximately eight years before the author died. He began his exposition of the meaning of chronicle and a brief description about the history of Muhammad at the beginning of his life.
b. Ya'kub ibn. Sufyan (d. 891). Book of history written in the second half of the 9th century. Written by order of the year plus a few quotations.
c. Ibn Abi Haithamah (d. 893). Also show chapter by chapter-year sequence, though limited, when compared with other works in its entirety.
d. Jarier Ibn al-Tabari (923), comprising standard works of multiple volumes on historiography is to chronicle chronicles al-Uman wa al-Muluk. Descriptions that include the history of the prophet in Mecca, the Prophet's wives, apostate, a biography of Abu Bakr, and so on. Another inscription is Adab al rituals, Adab al-Nufus, Iktilaf cleric al-Amshar, Tahdzib Atsar, Jami al-Bayan al ta'wil Ayl al-Quran, al-Jami 'fi al Qiraat, Zail al Zall al Muzayyal etc. His writings influenced the direction of further writing.
3. Biography
Biographies are arranged in groups, commonly called "tabaqah". This work covers the history of the lives of those big, prominent figures and important people who have died within approximately the same.
In Islamic society there are several factors why the biography becomes dominant:
a. Biography of the Prophet Muhammad is the main source for the development of Islamic society.
b. Narrates the life of the Prophet Muhammad in detail depending on the individual transmitters, it can be rejected or accepted depending on the data transmitters of life itself.
c. The struggle to uphold Islam in most of the advantage shown by individuals leader, who has been very instrumental in the struggle.
Since the 10th century, preparing biographies in alphabetical order is the preferred way.
Some works of biography:
a. al-Dhahabi in his book chronicle al-Islam wa al a'lam thabaqat masyahir able to show date of birth of each year for inclusion of names on in the book.
b. Khatib al-Baghdadi in the book chronicle of Baghdad, date of birth and death respectively mentioned in the beginning of the writing of biography.
c. Yaqut (1229), entitled al-Irshad ila arib ma'rifat al-adib.
d. Abi Usaybiah (1270), his writings titled Ujun al-Anba fi al-atibba tabagat
e. Ibn Khallikan (1282), biographies of leading figures of al-titled wafayat A'yan.
4. General History
At the end of the 9th century, political history was associated with a history of thought, and began to discuss various important symptom of civilizations ever known, including:
a. Work history of al-Yaqubi, titled chronicle al-Yaqubi spread by Goutsma in Leiden in 1883 consists of two volumes.
b. Al-Mas'udi write about Muruj az-Zahab that still affect the subsequent works.
c. The work of Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, al-Umam chronicle entitled wa al-Muluk. Contains descriptions of the history of religion, law and other political events.
d. Miskawiyah with his work Tajarib al-Umam. Contains a description of the ancient Persian history, and history of the Roman empire and Turkey.
e. Rashid ad-Din Fadlalh (1318) from Central Asia, his work on Public History (Jami'at-annals), written in Persian and is the first original work of universal history of Islam.
C. The Historian
Most of the work of historiography, Islam is a blessing service scholars educated in the science of religion. Their writing activities also involves the writing of history.
1. Historian Palace.
Professional historians in the palace is an important part in several palaces, such as younger dynasty palace of the Persian and Ottoman that provide highly encouraged to study history. Their number is not much, and they were instrumental in producing works best in the history of Islam.
2. Amateur Historian
The rulers who wrote works of history and memoirs can be regarded as an amateur historian. most of these works concerning the pedigree (geneologi).
3. Professional historians.
Are people who devoted themselves in compiling the works of history and consider themselves or are considered by Islamic tradition as a historian. Professional historians dalm modern sense hardly exist in medieval environment. For example: Al-Mas'udi and Al-Magrizi (1442) during the reign of the Mamluk dynasty in Egypt.
D. Objectives and Methodology Historiography
Muslim historians have a habit to introduce their works with a declaration stating the purpose of writing history. History also has benefits include: (1) mengajrkan good examples, (2) taught how to cope with the problems faced in this world, (3) teach our politicians to control how good governance, (4) something interesting but it requires thinking.
The main task of the historian is to develop what is really happening and the main problem they face is to investigate the validity of information obtained, either orally or through written sources. Written history has given an evidentiary authority (evidental authority). Archival research and study of inscriptions, currencies, and historical evidence about the same time it is used only sporadically. There are some historians who discuss the methodology of Islamic historiography, among them:
a. The work of Muhammad bn. Ibrahim al-Iji namely al-Faqier Tuhfatu Shahibi ila al-Sarier written in 1381-1382.
b. Muhyiddin Ibn Muhammad Sulaiman al0Kafiyani (1386-1474). Al-Kafiyani, also wrote a comprehensive work on Islamic historiography, methods, problems, and history with kitapnya Mukhtasar fi ilm al-chronicle published in cairo in 1463.
c. Shamsuddin al-Sakhawi (1427-1497) with his work al-I'lan bi al-Taubiekhi liman dzamma Ahla al-Chronicles published in 1492 in Mecca.
Besides the above there are also works of Ibn Farighun with Jawawi'al-'Ulum, Fakhr al-Din al-Razi by Haqaiq al-Anwar, Ibn al-'Adiem with Bughyat al-Thalab, Al-Khabar Magriezi with 'an al-Basyar, Al-Dhahabi in al-Qurra Thabaqat '.
E. Islamic Philosophy and Sociology
Views of Muslim historians, that history is God's chosen media to improve human and as persipan to face the day of reckoning from the end of the world that can not be circumvented.
Mishkawayh in his work entitled The experience of Nations, he denies that the events caused by the cam [purtangan of human strength beyond that happened in history. While Ibn Khaldun of North Africa (1406), writing in the year 1377, he developed a system that makes sense for the historical process from the point of mere humans. In his preface (Preamble) of the book on the history of Kitab al-Ibar unjversal, outlines that humans rely on the forces of matter and psychology, which diuraikannya in detail.
F. Contemporary Islamic historiography
In the 19th century, there are several translations of Western works have ever known. At that time there were concerns of non-Islamic history is still limited, and saatb now has many Islamic historians who obtained a Western education in scientific practice and methodology. They began to publish important historical works.
History of Islam in general historiography written by Franz Rosenthal in one karyuanya A History of Muslim Historiography first published in 1952. This work has provided a great influence dalammenelusuri history of Islamic historiography.
A masterpiece of Islamic historiography written by a young intellectual named Nizar Ahmed Faruqi India titled Early Muslim Historiography, published in 1979 in New Delhi. This dissertation as a documentary that presents the perspective of history writing in early Islam (612-750). Some other works that can be used as study material is the writings of Islamic historiography JH Kramers, "Historiography Among the Osmani Turks".
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