Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Cory appearance As President of the Philippines

Since the original constitution of 1973 was filled with controversy, namely since the creation of the Constitutional Assembly from 1971 to 1972. ratification of a new constitution which allegedly took place in a way that the Constitution melaggar caused opposition among many who assess the power tidah Marcoz is legitimate. 1973 Constitution also assessed keotoriteran ratify the constitutional aspects of the most unbiased accepted.

On April 23, 1986, Aquino issued Corazo Makhlumat No. 9 of 1986 which regulates the appointment and terms - the operational aspects of a body charged with drafting a new constitution. During that interim government affairs handled by the State Constitution cornerstone of liberation, even though one party gives a full and absolute authority to the president, but on the other hand maintaining Bill Of Rights contained in the constitution of 1973, as an obstacle to the implementation of security and power in a dictatorial and repressive as well as source of authority of the people to demand accountability. One of the priority of constitutional reform is the introduction of a stable turnover mechanism, detailed and reliable so as not to provide an opportunity for doubt - doubt. [1]

Renewal of the constitution should also be directed at the need for a balance between authority and responsibility in the post-Marcos. The first stage is to reduce kesumurangan position of president. That means more than just disarm the power of the President to issue decrees. Realignment of power among the branches - the branches of government in the Philippines seems likely also will give greater priority to the recovery position independent of the judiciary. An independent judiciary is also required for it is possible to determine the condition of how the authority can legitimately be applied according to the constitution which was also in the future.

A clearer separation between the executive and legislature in the government would also end the uncertainty bias system of government in the Philippines, which has a mix of systems and perlementer presindential. President Aquino and Vice President Laurel begin term of office in February 1986 with a commitment to restore the system of checks and balances created by the separation - pisahkannya position of power.

The revival of political parties in 1978 after sinking almost six years, allowing groups - opposition groups in the Philippines to have an influence on political life. Party - a moderate opposition parties joined in a united front to participate in elections in February 1986, but even then with difficulty. Finally create a working spouse sam Corazo Aquino - Laurel, although the bias was only achieved after Cardinal Sin personally intervene. Aquino Corazo typically has taken the position that includes the attitudes of most of his advisers. He said that national reconciliation is a priority for him the most important. He also said he would deal with the energies - economic, social, and politics that has led to young people taking up arms against the Marcos Philippines.

Achieving a dramatic Corazo Aquino presidency to the stairs at the end of February 1986 does not guarantee the return of peace and prosperity for the State of the Philippines, but this has marked the beginning of a fresh observation for various conditions. Task or job reordering is very heavy. Various government agencies have been systematically misused by the Marcos regime that they all depend on Marcos, which overall seems like not having the right power. The national economy has been weakened by the incorrect allocation of resources - the source for many - years, has been in a state of severe depression, widespread unemployment and income - average has dropped back into a position that occurred in previous decades. [2]

The mass media are important for the mobilization of people power. At the beginning of the Aquino administration, also devoted much attention to the role of the corps of lawyers in the political system has undergone reorganization. However, not all lawyers discouraged. At least some of them never give up in order to defend political prisoners. While others devoted themselves to the effort to defend the rights - rights groups can not afford. People - people like that are rare. But they had a role to fellow citizens of the Philippines shows that the profession so lawyers do not fall so it can not be saved again. The position of the Aquino government created thanks to the various developments. But there are two elements that most define the personal Corazo Aquino and the support of the people against him. It is very important is that Corazo Aquino need to develop a way - a way to continue communication with a base of supporters. In addition to the vast popular support, President Aquino also has other capital, ie own personality.

Corazo Aquino presidency has been initiated by applying barbagai specific steps or actions to overcome the problem - the problem. He announced a revolutionary government, dissolve the Constitution-making body - which is dominated Marcos Act, replacing the people who raised large amounts of Marcos in the post - the post or office of the executive and the judiciary and establish a commission or committee compiler Constitution - Basic Law or constitution which provide or ensure comprehensive persetujusn in a national referendum. [3]

Fixed persistence of Corazo Aquino as president of the supreme importance of this mean to carp a democratic future. It's not just because of its commitment to the restoration of democratic life in the way of peace, but also by considering the high level of credibility it has, and the amount of public confidence in him.

[1]Bresnan, John.1988. Krisi Filipina.Jakarta : Gramedia, hlm.237

[2] Bresnan, John.1988. Krisi Filipina.Jakarta : Gramedia, hlm.338

[3] Bresnan, John.1988. Krisi Filipina.Jakarta : Gramedia, hlm.338

(Taken from my website and translated using google translate) http://fauzihistory.blogspot.com/2009/03/tampilnya-cory-sebagai-presiden.html

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